Non-formal Learning as a conduit between students’ social world and Formal Learning: The ‘Rhythm Wave’ Case Study
Non-formal learning, Rhythm learning, Non-formal teaching, Musical leadership, Peer learningResumo
This paper examines non-formal learning of rhythm in the context of an extra-curricular percussion group “Rhythm Wave” that formed at UHI (University of the Highlands and Islands) Perth College, Scotland, UK. Rhythm Wave, that has mutated in the present day into a community music group out with the formal sector, has been in existence for thirty years. And in the formal education context that is the nexus of this research, non-formal learning (NFL) and teaching ran contiguously with the instrumental pedagogy of the college’s popular music curricula. The ensemble started with Brazilian Samba instrumentation and a tiny cell of learners but grew to encompass varied rhythm styles and textures whilst developing a network of alumni mentors who honed their musical and social skills through both peer and musical leadership interactions. Key aspects of rhythm learning that occurred in this ensemble have emerged from semi-structured interviews and observations and the enhancement of formal curricular learning of rhythm is evident in the findings. This includes aspects shared with Green’s (2001, 2008, 2010, 2014) research into popular music practices and with the ongoing development of non-formal world music pedagogy (Murtadza; Walden; in Wright, Beynon, & Younker: 2016).
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